Earthships - what are they?

Earthships are cutting edge 'green' buildings, constructed using waste car tyres and other recycled materials. They use the planets natural systems to provide all utilities - using the sun's energy and rain to provide heat, power and water. They are buildings that heat and cool themselves, harvest their own water and use plants to treat their sewage.
Earthships enjoy the weather, regardless of the season. If it's raining they catch free water, if it's windy they generate free power and if it's sunny they are capturing free heat and electricity. Apart from using all the resources immediately around them they also employ extensive energy efficiency and water conservation measures, ensuring that the rainwater and renewable energy they harvest goes as far as possible.
Earthships have evolved over the last thirty years from the pioneering work of Michael Reynolds, Earthship Biotecture and the residents of the three Earthship communities in Taos, New Mexico.
The following sections are a brief guide to the various systems of the Earthship and the Earthship Brighton project. To get a more detailed explanation either visit Earthship Brighton for one of our regular tours or read 'Earthships in Europe'.