Eco education days

We offer Eco Education Days for schools and colleges, with a wide range of activities.
Many areas of the curriculum are covered, particularly science, geography and citizenship. The days can be tailored to suit the needs of your school and could include making things with recycled materials, green wood-working, organic gardening or activities relating to the sustainability issues embodied in the Earthship Brighton project. We have a Learning Outside The Classroom Quality Badge for our wide range of workshops including:
- Earthship Brighton tour
- Natural materials
- Local history of Stanmer Park
- Becoming a tracker
- Climate change
- Cave painting
- Renewable energy
- Water aquifer
- Water systems
- Fire making
- Green woodworking
- Hand made books from recycled paper
- Medicinal herbs
- Mini-beast homes
- Organic food and biodiversity
- Pollination
- Tetrapak crafts
A summary of all you need to know about our Eco Education Days can be found here, with an outline of a typical visit. This is what people who have visited us in the past have said. Longhill High School in Brighton recently visited us and here's what they had to say.
If you are interested in arranging an Eco Education Day then please contact us.