
Volunteering with the Low Carbon Trust.
All of our activities and projects involve lots of opportunities for volunteers. People can get involved and learn new skills and gain experience. We have worked extensively with and trained lots of volunteers on building projects in Brighton, Bristol and Oxford.
Some of the sustainable construction activities we undertake with volunteers are:
- Building with rammed tyres & glass bottle bricks
- Reclaimed woodwork
- Working with salvaged, recycled and reclaimed building materials
- Mixing, pouring & rendering with adobe
- Painting with natural paints & oils
- Building & planting reed beds & grey water systems
- Landscaping and organic gardening.
Volunteering on our courses
We have volunteering places on our Green Building Courses. Volunteers support the courses by helping set up the practical workshop. Volunteers help get the Earthship ready for courses and prepare the vegetarian 'pot luck' shared lunches.
Other opportunities for volunteering with us involve helping with outreach events at conferences and summer festivals. Festivals we attend include the Big Green Gathering, Glastonbury, Sunrise Summer Solstice Celebration and Harlequin Fayre.
During the course of the Earthship Brighton project, hundreds of people have gained practical hands-on experience. Volunteers leartn eco-building techniques and have been inspired to respond to global warming in their own ways back at home and at work.