Becoming a tracker

The becoming a tracker workshop explores the Great Wood in Stanmer Park and sensory awareness.
The workshop allows students to understand the skills our ancestors used to hunt.
Becoming a tracker workshop outline
The workshop is a sensory walk through the Great Woods in Stanmer Park using ‘fox walking’ and non-verbal communication.
The workshop involves a playful game of hide-and-seek using bush craft tracking skills.
The conclusion is a discussion around how people studying bushcraft or wood lore are keeping these useful skills alive.
Becoming a tracker workshop learning objectives
Through the workshop students will develop an understanding of:
- Ancient history in the context of our local surroundings.
- Skills used by our ancestors in daily life.
- How ancient survival skills have been passed down through generations and have been shared.
Becoming a tracker workshop key stage links
The workshop links with different topics within the National Curriculum:
- Key Stage 2: History and geography
- Key Stage 3: History and geography
There is also a strong emphasis on student well-being and connecting to nature by offering an opportunity to strengthen our sensory awareness and slow down.
The workshop was developed as part of the Stanmer Restoration Project. The project is funded by the National Lottery Heritage Fund and the BIG Lottery ‘Parks for People’ scheme, as well as Brighton & Hove City Council, Plumpton College and the South Downs National Park Authority.
If you are interested in this workshop as part of an Eco Education Day then please contact us.