Natural materials

This hands-on workshop session explores local natural materials.
The workshop allows students to discuss and see how natural materials have been used in Earthship Brighton. It enables them to experience making objects out of local natural materials.
The workshop includes discussion of plastics and its pollution on the South Downs landscape.
Natural materials outline
The workshop starts by looking at the use of natural and waste materials in Earthship Brighton. Materials include tyres, cans, glass bottles, straw and clay & lime render.
There is a practical hands-on craft activity where students make something out of greenwood and natural fibres.
The conclusion of the workshop is an in-depth discussion of actions people can take to use natural alternatives to plastic items.
The workshop includes discussion of plastic pollution on the South Downs landscape and the threat it poses to wildlife.
Natural materials learning objectives
Through the workshop students will develop an understanding of:
- Plastic pollution
- Use of natural alternatives to plastic
- The South Downs landscape
- Learn a new useful skill using natural materials, for example greenwood, elder and flax.
Key stage links
The workshop links with different topics within the National Curriculum:
- Key Stage 2: Science, Geography, History, Art and Design & Technology
- Key Stage 3: Science
The workshop was developed as part of the Stanmer Restoration Project. The project is funded by the National Lottery Heritage Fund and the BIG Lottery ‘Parks for People’ scheme, as well as Brighton & Hove City Council, Plumpton College and the South Downs National Park Authority.
If you are interested in this workshop as part of an Eco Education Day then please contact us.